Photo Credit: Daily Post Nig.

CGFNS is not the only way to choose when doing verification. Some verification is done directly to the State Board of Nursing you choose. However, when choosing a board of Nursing, try to choose the one that will not require you to have Social Security Number before you can be allowed to write the NCLEX-RN exam.

I recommend you do your verification with any of the following state board of Nursing:

  • New York State board
  • New Mexico state board
  • Florida state board

Step by step process for Licensing with New York : go to: nursing

  • There are two options
    Directly to the New York State Education Department- NYSED
  • Through Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools ( CGFNS ).

Verification of Education Credentials From Non-U.S. Programs:

  •  You must arrange for the NYSED ( New York State Education Department ) to receive your foreign credentials, either directly from the institution issuing the credential by using Form 2F or from the Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools (CGFNS),
  • CGFNS will verify the authenticity of your foreign nursing education credentials using CGFNS’s Credential Verification Service for New York State.

If you are also licensed as a nurse in another country, you must also request that CGFNS verify your foreign nursing license or have that country submit a license verification using Form 3F directly to us. If you use CGFNS, you must contact CGFNS directly to sign-up and pay for CGFNS’ Credential Verification Service for New York State. For more information, visit CGFNS’ Website: .

After you sign-up and pay for CGFNS’s service, CGFNS will send a report regarding your foreign education credentials directly to NYSED. While it is not mandatory for an applicant to utilize the services of CGFNS, the department recognizes that it is often very difficult, if not impossible, and time consuming for an applicant to effectively complete the application process independently and encourage applicants to consider utilizing that service.

Somachi MarkAnthony, BSN, is a registered nurse and certified nephrology nurse.

She lives in, and writes from the USA.

For questions, and further clarifications, she can be reached at